Statistica applicata. Call for Papers for a Thematic Issue on “Food Quality and Statistics”

This thematic issue of the Italian Journal of Applied Statistics ( will be devoted to the advancements in the broad field of “Statistical methods for food product quality”. Submissions that deal with advances in statistics and applications in this topic, also including data collection, analysis, and interpretation on the topical issues, are welcome.
Possible topics are:

  • Measuring and assessing the quality of food and drink products
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods for sensorial research
  • Longitudinal studies on food and wine consumption and evaluation
  • Experiments and modelling of consumers’ choice and preferences
  • Methods and models for food and wines classification
  • Customer satisfaction in the food and drink sector
  • New innovative statistical methods of analysis of the food and drink market (e.g., Market segmentation, Market share, etc.)

All submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and they have to adhere to the standards of the journal. Authors are encouraged to follow the specifications in “Instructions for Authors” available at http://sa- Templates with the journal format in Word or LaTex are available at
The **new** deadline for paper submissions is January 7th, 201

The Thematic Issue Guest Editors:

  • Rossella Berni – Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti”, University of Florence, Italy –
  • Tormod Næs – Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (NOFIMA), Ås, Norway
  • Alfonso Piscitelli – Department of Political Sciences, Federico II University of Naples, Italy –
  • Eugenio Pomarici – Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TeSAF), University of Padua, Italy –
  • Rosaria Romano – Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Calabria, Italy –

Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

via Donizetti, 6, 50144, Firenze
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