The congress, organized by the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo in collaboration with the University of Turin, will be dedicated to the exchanges on links between gastronomy, ecological transmission and food justice. 

The main aim of this initiative is to contribute  to the increasing debate on the relationship between gastronomy and sustainability. It will also represent the starting point of the establishment of the International Society of Gastronomic Study and Sciences. 

The congress will take place from the 23rd to the 25th of September 2022  in Pollenzo (Bra, CN) and in Turin, at the same time of “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022”.

The deadline for registration has been extended to the 10th of August, 2022. To enroll click here.

For further information click here:

We invite you to present contributions for the panel: “Sustainable Food for People: Acceptability, Inclusivity and Co-creation”  (keynote speaker: Dr. Sara Jaeger, Plant and Food Research, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda):

Sustainable Food for People: Acceptability, Inclusivity and Co-creation

Area coordinators: Luisa Torri, Maria Piochi, and Maria Giovanna Onorati

Call for papers: open

Keywords: Food Quality,  Food Sustainability, Sensory Science, Food Packaging, Food Labelling, Food Sociology, Food Technology, Food Science, Novel Food, Agri-Food Tech, Gastronomic Hospitality, Cross-cultural perception, Vulnerable Groups, Citizen Science, Co-creation.

Sustainable food should be acceptable and accessible to anybody. However, despite an increasing interest among people in consuming more sustainable foods, certain groups of people have difficulties in accessing pleasant, healthy and sustainable food (e.g. elderly, groups of people with specific pathologies and/or nutritional requirements, immigrants, poverty-stricken people, etc.). Indeed, the perception of food is complex, it strongly depends on the socio-cultural contexts in which we live and thus it requires multidisciplinary approaches to be studied. The panel aims to disentangle how sensory and consumer sciences may help in better understanding people consumption and which factors should be considered to develop sustainable and healthy foods which meet the needs and expectations of specific groups of people, also considering their active role in research approaches based on citizen science and co-creation.