CRA NUT - Centro di Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione

via Ardeatina, 546 Roma 00178

Research team

INRAN – National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition

The National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition (INRAN) is a public research organization, within the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Policy and Forestry with multidisciplinary competence and professionalism in the study of various areas related to food science and human nutrition. The aims are to carry out investigations on human nutrition as well as analyses and assays of the composition, nutritional value and safety of foods; to provide information and consultancy in food science, to train personnel specialised in the field of nutrition and food science. The Institute promotes and develops researches on food quality and safety to certify foods, nutritional labelling and valorisation of foods, together with biotechnological applications in the agri-food sector. Relevant areas of scientific and international competence are the monitoring of food habits and nutritional status of the Italian population, the evaluation of the understanding the consumer’s eating experience, motivations and choices and the sensory perception of food.

Sensory laboratory 

The sensory science group belongs to the area of Nutrition-Applied Sciences
and work at the programme Consumer perception and determinants of food choice

The group cooperates to the programme Production systems and technological processes: Quality of the vegetable products
of the area of Food Science

Research team


Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

via Donizetti, 6, 50144, Firenze
C.F. 94097300480


Posta certificata:

Tel: +39 333 4887090
lunedì/mercoledì/venerdì: h 9.00 – 15.00

martedì/giovedì: h 9.00 – 17.30