The fifteenth edition of Pangborn in the city of Nantes (France) has come to the end, which hosted an active and rich participation of SISS members.
There were many contributions including workshops, presentations and posters which received great appreciation from the conference participants.
Below the list of participants with their contributions:
Implementing immersive 360° videos into Sensory Science teaching: a case study
Lapo Pierguidi, Caterina Dinnella, Sara Spinelli, Erminio Monteleone
University of Florence, Italy
11:00-12:30 Tuesday, 22 August, 2023, Grand Auditorium
Sensory-related food choice indices efficiently predict dietary intakes
Giorgia Carbonetti1, Leonardo Menghi1,2,3, Danny Cliceri1, Davide Giacalone3, Flavia Gasperi1,2
1 University of Trento Center Agriculture Food Environment, Italy. 2 Edmund Mach Foundation Research and Innovation Centre, Italy. 3 University of Southern Denmark, Department of Technology and Innovation, Denmark
15:45-17:30 Wednesday, 23 August, 2023, Grand Auditorium
Anxiety-related personality traits affect sensory and hedonic food experience
Sara Spinelli1, Caterina Dinnella1, John Prescott1,2, Erminio Monteleone1
1 University of Florence Department of Agricultural Food Environment and Forestry Science and Technology, Italy. 2 TasteMatters Research and Consulting, Australia
15:45-17:30 Wednesday, 23 August, 2023, Grand Auditorium
Sensory acuity for alarming oral sensations associates with specific networks of salivary bacteria and dietary intakes
Leonardo Menghi1,2,3, Danny Cliceri1, Francesca Fava3, Massimo Pindo3, Giulia Gaudioso3, Davide Giacalone2, Flavia Gasperi1,3
1 University of Trento Center Agriculture Food Environment, Italy. 2 University of Southern Denmark, Department of Technology and Innovation, Denmark. 3 Edmund Mach Foundation Research and Innovation Centre, Italy
08:45-10:30 Thursday, 24 August, 2023, Grand Auditorium
Poster session 1
14:00-15:15 Monday, 21 August, 2023, Great Hall
Poster session 2
14:00-15:15 Wednesday, 23 August, 2023, Great Hall
Discrete-Time-CATA: an easy way to profiling chewing-gums
Maria Laura Corollaro, Claudia Pannitteri
Perfetti Van Melle SpA, Italy
TAS2R38 polymorphisms, PROP phenotypes and psychological traits combine to determine taste responsiveness
Caterina Dinnella1, Maria Pina Concas2, Sara Spinelli1, Paolo Gasparini3, John Prescott4, Erminio Monteleone1
1 University of Florence, Italy. 2 Institute for Maternal and Child Health – IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Italy. 3 University of Trieste, Italy. 4 TasteMatters Research & Consulting, Australia
Consumers’ sensory perception and liking of breast fillets from broiler chickens fed diets including dehydrated microalgae (Arthrospira spp.) and Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) meals in partial substitution of soybean
Matilde Tura1, Rosalba Roccatello2, Sihem Dabbou2, Eugenio Aprea2, Francesca Soglia1, Federico Sirri1, Tullia Gallina Toschi1
1 Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy. 2 University of Trento, Italy
Investigating the impact of Straw Materials on Consumer Preference and Sensory Perception of Beverages
Maddalena Libardi1, Preeti Kaura1, Camelia Bentahar2
1 EyeQuestion, The Netherlands. 2 Britvic PLC, UK
Impact of circular economy information on acceptability, purchase intention and perceived value of upcycled foods by young consumers.
Nazarena Cela, Viola Giorgione, Luisa Torri
University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy
Co-creating meals with adolescents to develop innovative and accepted plant-based dishes for school canteens
Margarita Kokkorou1,2, Caterina Dinnella1, Sara Spinelli1, Jan Wollgast2, Sandra Caldeira2, Erminio Monteleone1
1 University of Florence, Italy. 2 European Commission Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors driving the adoption of eco-friendly food packaging by consumers: a European cross-country investigation to prevent food loss and waste
Danny Cliceri1, Michele Pedrotti2, Franco Biasioli2, Flavia Gasperi1, Isabella Endrizzi2
1 University of Trento Center Agriculture Food Environment, Italy. 2 Edmund Mach Foundation Research and Innovation Centre, Italy
From waste to value: investigation on the factors affecting Italian consumers’ intention to purchase foods with agro-food by-products as ingredients
Maria Di Cairano, Fernanda Galgano, Nicola Condelli
University of Basilicata, Italy
A multi-country comparison of consumer acceptance and preferences towards crackers enriched with algae
Noemi Sofia Rabitti1, Simoun Rainier Luis Bayudan2, Monica Laureati1, Susanne Neugart3, Joachim Schouteten2, Linnea Apelman4, Sermin Dahlstedt5, Pernilla Sandvik4
1 University of Milan Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Italy. 2 Ghent University Department of Agricultural Economics, Belgium. 3 University of Göttingen Department of Crop Science, Division of Quality and Sensory of Plant Products, Germany. 4 Uppsala University Department of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Sweden. 5 Uppsala University, Sweden
Modulating taste properties in a model food: a tool to assess individual variations in sensory and hedonic responses to food
Angelica Lippi1,2, Caterina Dinnella1, Sara Spinelli1, Agnes Giboreau2, Veronique Mourier3, Erminio Monteleone1
1 University of Florence, Italy. 2 Paul Bocuse Institute, France. 3 Groupe Elior, France
Investigating individual differences in preadolescents’ affective responses to foods: sensory-emotion associations
Julia Sick1, Valérie L. Almli2,3, Erminio Monteleone1, Caterina Dinnella1, Ingunn Berget2, Ervina Ervina4,2,3, Sara Spinelli1
1 University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), Italy. 2 Nofima AS Ås, Norway. 3 The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM), Norway. 4 BINUS University, Indonesia
Measuring taste alterations in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or target therapy
Claudia Rorandelli1, Jaclyn Di Meglio1, Laura Doni2, Caterina Dinnella1, Vincenzo De Giorgi3, Erminio Monteleone1, Biancamaria Zuccaro3, Elisabetta Gambale2, Federico Venturi3, Giandomenico Roviello4, Sara Spinelli1
1 University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Forestry Sciences and Technologies, Section of Food Science & Technology, Italy. 2 Medical Oncology Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy. 3 Dermatology Unit, Presidio Ospedaliero Palagi, Florence, Italy. 4 University of Florence, Department of Health Sciences, Section of Clinical Pharmacology & Oncology, Italy
Does a high preference for salty stimuli reflect into less healthy food choices?
Cristina Proserpio1, Sara Spinelli2, Camilla Cattaneo1, Monica Laureati1, Caterina Dinnella2, Erminio Monteleone2, Ella Pagliarini1
1 Sensory & Consumer Science Lab (SCS_Lab), Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), University of Milan, 20133 Milan, Italy. 2 Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Florence, Italy, Italy
Consumer co-creation of innovative and more sustainable meat products
Marina Domenici1,2, Lapo Pierguidi1, Sara Spinelli1, Caterina Dinnella1, Erminio Monteleone1
1 University of Florence, Italy. 2 Unicoop Firenze, Italy
Formulation strategy to improve the nutritional and sensory properties of foods for elderly consumers. A case study on bread
Martina Moretton1, Camilla Cattaneo2, Cristina Proserpio2, Monica Anese1, Nicoletta Pellegrini1, Ella Pagliarini2
1 Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, Italy. 2 Sensory & Consumer Science Lab (SCSLab), Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), University of Milan, Italy
Exploring perceptive drivers and barriers to the consumption of plant-based alternatives
Marta Appiani, Camilla Cattaneo, Cristina Proserpio, Ella Pagliarini, Monica Laureati
Sensory & Consumer Science Lab (SCS_Lab), Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), University of Milan, Italy
The effect of different calorie labels on restaurant menus: a digital study of consumer behavior
Riccardo Migliavada, Luisa Torri, Giulia Garavelli
University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy
Using the means-end-chain technique to explore consumers’ purchasing intention toward plant-based burgers
Giovanni Sogari, Giulia Andreani
University of Parma, Food and Drug Department, Italy
Cross cultural differences on well-being: a case study to compare Spanish, Italian & French consumers
Monica Borgogno1, Luca Mazza1, Rocio Dorado2, Joan Blasco2, Kévin Guillamet3, Alexandra Ouisse3
1 Mérieux NutriSciences, Italy. 2 Mérieux NutriSciences, Spain. 3 Mérieux NutriSciences, France