Il Simposio 2023 organizzato dalla European Sensory Science Society quest’anno si svolgerà in collaborazione con Swedish Sensory Network (SSN) (Svezia).

Commerci e tecnologie hanno reso il mondo un luogo più connesso e interdipendente e diverse sfide sono state presentate, non ultime quelle legate al cambiamento climatico ma anche all’aumento della prevalenza di patologie come l’obesità. Tuttavia, quando si affrontano queste sfide non esiste una soluzione globale, quindi è necessario considerare la diversità e l’unicità di diversi paesi e culture, ma anche in relazione alle caratteristiche individuali del consumatore. Qui, i metodi sensoriali possono contribuire con conoscenze importanti e l’undicesimo simposio annuale E3S includerà discorsi relativi all’unicità sensoriale e alla diversità che vanno dai prodotti all’individuo.

Al Simposio interverrà il Children Working Group coordinato da Monica Laureati– Università degli studi di Milano (15 Maggio ore 13.00 – 14.15) e il Taste Sensitivity Working Group coordinato da Caterina Dinnella e Sara Spinelli– Università di Firenze, terrà un workshop il 15 Maggio ore 14.30 – 15.45.

Il 16 Maggio alle ore 9.30 il vincitore del E3S Established Researcher Award 2022 Prof. Erminio Monteleone presenterà il tema delle “Opportunities and challenges for Sensory Food Science”.

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Luogo dell’evento

Uppsala, Sweden


May 15

13:00 – 14:15 (PARALLEL SESSION)
Children WG meeting (open to all registered participants)
Next generation WG workshop (open to all registered participants)

14:15 – 14:30 Break

14:30 – 15:45 (PARALLEL SESSION)
Taste sensitivity WG workshop (open to all registered participants)
Education WG meeting (open to Working Group Members)

15:45 – 16:00 Registration & Refreshments

16:00 – 18:00 Workshop on sensory methodologies organized by SSN (open to all registered participants)

16:00 – 18:00 E3S general Assembly (open to E3S delegates only, two per country)

19:00 Gala dinner at Norrlands nation (ticketed event)

May 16

8:30 – 16:45 Symposium with invited speakers from industry and academia:

8:30 Refreshments

9:15 Welcome to the 11th E3S Symposium by E3S Chair & Swedish Sensory Network Chair
Paula Varela-Tomasco, Senior Scientist, Nofima, Norway & Pernilla Sandvik, Associate professor, Uppsala University, Sweden

09:30 Opportunities and challenges for Sensory Food Science
Presentation by the winner of the E3S Established Researcher Award 2022
Professor Erminio Monteleone, University of Florence, Italy

10:15 The tasteless meal: A qualitative research project on experiences of living with long-term smell and taste alterations after a COVID-19 infection.
Nicklas Neuman, Associate professor at Uppsala university, Sweden

10:45 The 2022 Swedish national call for funding research on taste and sensory science: background, responses and future related to this unique call
Alexandre Dubois, Senior research officer, Formas – a Swedish research council for sustainable development

11:15 Flash presentations by young researchers
Four young researcher will present their work in seven minutes each

12:00 Lunch and poster session

13:00 Tetra PAK – Protects what’s good. A pioneer and world leading food processing and packaging solutions company. A presentation of the role of sensory methodology in their work
Annika Hansson, Tetra PAK, Sweden

13:30 Heritage cereals: using history to form the future
Galia Zamaratskaia, Associate professor at the Swedish Agricultural University

14:00 Development of eco-friendly gourmet fish
Professor Åsa Öström, Örebro University

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 Stockholm European Capital of Gastronomy 2023
P-O Berg, Professor emeritus, Stockholm university, President of the Swedish meal academy

15:30 Presentation on PDO products
E3S PDO Working Group

15:50 Matkult, a knowledge bank of traditional food culture in Sweden.
Åsa Holmgren, Research Archivist, Insitute for Dialectology, Onomastics and Folklore Research

16:05 About the origin label Från Sverige (From Sweden) and the work of Svenskmärkning.
Ulrika Norvell, Quality manager, Svenskmärkning

16:15 Flash Presentation Award – Student Competition

16:30 – 16:45 Closing Remarks
Paula Varela-Tomasco, Senior Scientist, Nofima, Norway
Pernilla Sandvik, Associate professor, Uppsala University