Nofima at Ås, Norway and RISE, The Swedish Research Institute, in Gothenburg, Sweden cooperate in arranging courses in sensory analysis. The next course in the series will be arranged in Ås, Norway, December 4-5th

4. December 2018 – 5. December 2018

Nofima at Ås, Norway

9.500 NOK Lunch and refreshments during the course are included in the course fee, so is a course diploma.

The course will focus on analysis and interpretation of descriptive sensory data and data from novel sensory methods such as CATA and Projective mapping. The course will be based on both lectures, practical demonstrations and exercises (see detailed program enclosed). The course will be taught in English.

Target group
The course is suited for those who know the basics of sensory analysis but feel that they need to learn more about how to analyse and interpret the data. Basic knowledge of statistical concepts is needed.

Tormod Næs, Nofima
Paula Varela Tomasco, Nofima
Ingunn Berget, Nofima
Mats Carlehög, Nofima
Penny Bergman, RISE

Programme & registration