Invited Speakers

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, MAPP Center, Aarhus University

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel is Professor and head of Centre at the ‘MAPP Centre – Research on Value Creation in the Food sector’ at the Department of Management, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University. Her research focuses on marketing and consumer behaviour challenges along the supply chain of fast moving consumer goods in general and food in specific, especially issues around health and sustainability. Topics include acceptance of healthy eating policy, consumer-related food waste, organic food, sustainability claims, plant-based protein food product development and pricing.

Ciarán Forde, Sensory Science and Eating Behavior Chair group, Division of Human Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University and Research

Ciarán Forde is Professor and Chair of the Sensory Science and Eating Behavior group in the Division of Human Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University and Research.  He leads research on how the sensory properties of foods influence calorie selection, eating Behaviors and energy intake and metabolism across the life-span. Prof. Forde previously established and led the ‘Sensory and Ingestive Behavior’ group at the Clinical Nutrition Research Center in Singapore (2015-21). He has published >100 articles, and his research has been presented at over 200 national and international meetings. He is an Executive Editor for the journal Appetite, Section Editor for the European Journal of Nutrition, and on the editorial board for Nutrition BulletinJournal of Future Food and Journal of Texture Studies. Prof. Forde previously spent 11 years in public and private sector research roles in the UK (GSK), Australia (CSIRO) and Switzerland (Nestlé Research).  He received his BSc in Food Chemistry, and a PhD in Sensory Science from the Dept. Nutrition, University College Cork in Ireland.

Davide Giacalone, Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark

Davide Giacalone è attualmente professore associato di sviluppo sostenibile dei prodotti alimentari alla University of Southern Denmark. La sua attività di ricerca si svolge nel campo della “sensory and consumer science”, incentrandosi in particolare su aspetti metodologici legati alle misure di percezione e accettabilità dei prodotti alimentari. Ha partecipato a diversi progetti di ricerca nazionali, europei e con partner privati, dove ha curato studi sui consumatori finalizzati allo sviluppo di prodotti agro-alimentari sostenibili. Autore o coautore di oltre 50 pubblicazioni internazionali, è membro dell’Editorial Board di “Food Quality and Preference” e “Frontiers in Psychology”.

Luis Guerrero, Institute of Agrifood Researcher and Technology (IRTA) Monells, Spain

Dr. Luis Guerrero, PhD in Social Psychology, B.A. in Marketing and Food Engineer. He started his research career at IRTA (Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology, in 1988, where he is still developing his activity as a senior researcher. Author or co-author of more than 100 publications (Web of Science, h-index 43) and 26 book chapters, he has focused his research on sensory analysis, sensometrics, and measurement of consumer behaviour in food related issues from multidisciplinary approaches. Dr. Guerrero is member of the committee CTN/87 “Sensory Analysis” from AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization), founding member of the Spanish Association of Sensory Analysis (AEPAS) and professor of statistics and sensory analysis in different master’s degrees.

Anestis Dougkas, Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center, France

Dr Dougkas received a M.Sc. in food science and nutrition and a Ph.D. in nutrition, within the Nutritional Research Group at University of Reading, UK. He got a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Food for Health Science Centre, Lund University, Sweden. Since September 2016, he is a Research Group Leader in Nutrition and Eating behaviour at the Institute Paul Bocuse Research Centre, Lyon, France. His research interests are within the area of appetite and energy intake regulation looking at a nutrient level, eating patterns, food preferences and alterations in general and vulnerable population such as patients with obesity and cancer. He is a member of the Nutrition Society, American Society for Nutrition and the Association for the Study of Obesity and alumni of the European Nutrition Leadership Platform.

Paolo Gasparini, Istituto Burlo Garofalo – Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste, Head of Medical Genetics Service and Head of the Department for Advanced Diagnostics at IRCCS Mother Child Hospital Burlo Garofolo, in Trieste. He has a long-standing experience in studying genetic basis of inherited diseases as well as genetics risk factors for complex qualitative and quantitative traits. He is author of more than 400 original papers published in peer-reviewed journal and currently his H-index is 89 (Google Scholar). Current topics of research include 1) the study of the genetic bases of senses (i.e. hearing loss, taste, smell, food preferences, etc.) and their implication on health status, 2) genomic studies in population cohorts, 3) sensory decay in the aging population







Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

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