
9.00 – Welcome

9.15 – FIZZ Acquisition: what have been developed these last 12 months (version 2.40 to 2.45)
• New tests: R-Index, 3-AFC, Simple difference test, Free choice profiling, Sorting/Napping, TDS, multiple choice questions with attributes presented in different orders
• New edition tools: do/undo, instructions page, button-called text boxes, multiline comments, functions by products, new scales, colour backgrounds and frames, attributes presented in categories/in drop-down list
• FIZZ Web

10.30 – Coffee break

10.45 – FIZZ Calculation: what’s new?
• TDS, Anova graphs, dendograms, automated export
• Calculations on the new tests developed in the acquisition module
• What is scheduled for the 2.46 version (coming very soon)
• What is scheduled with the 2.50 version: a complete database including set of tools that suit the sensory activity needs

13.00 – Questions/answers


Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

via Donizetti, 6, 50144, Firenze
C.F. 94097300480


Posta certificata:

Tel: +39 333 4887090
lunedì/mercoledì/venerdì: h 9.00 – 15.00

martedì/giovedì: h 9.00 – 17.30