
Time zone: Italy (CEST)

Wednesday 7 June 2023
9.00-9.30 Introduction to the course
9.30-10.45 Consumer preferences and acceptability: liking, wanting, preference and choice John Prescott
10.45-11.05 Break
11.05-12.30 Psychology of consumer preferences: the role of memory and expectations John Prescott
Long break|Lunch
14.30-15.50 Measuring expectations to gain an insight into product performance: Assimilation and contrast effects Erminio Monteleone
15.50-16.10 Break
16.10-17.30 Conjoint analysis: Evaluation of how extrinsic characteristics influence consumer expectations Gastón Ares
Thursday  8 June 2023
9.30-10.30 Individual differences: Segmenting for liking and psychological traits and attitudes John Prescott
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.00 Individual differences in liking + hands on: preference mapping Erminio Monteleone
12.00-12.15 Break
12.15-13.00 Context in sensory & consumer studies John Prescott
Long break|Lunch
14.30-15.50 Studying context: methods and case studies; Context and product experience: Natural/naturalistic/Lab context/Home Use test/Central Location Test; Situational appropriateness; Evoked context: written scenarios, videos, pictures, immersive settings, virtual reality. Pros and cons Sara Spinelli
15.50-16.10 Break
16.10-17.30 Statistical techniques for clustering: Hierarchical and K-means cluster analysis Gastón Ares
Friday 9 June 2023
9.30-10.30 What are emotions? Valence and arousal John Prescott
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.30 Implicit methods applied in sensory & consumer studies to study preference, emotions and expectations: Implicit Association Test (IAT), priming and other tasks

Hands on implicit methods:
Exercises of Implicit Association Test (IAT) design and data analysis

Lapo Pierguidi
Long break|Lunch
14.30-15.50 Measuring emotions: methods and case studies and Hands on
• Explicit measurements:Standardised and product specific  questionnaires; examples: EsSense Profile, GEOS, EmoSemio, PrEmo, emoji questionnaires
• Measuring emotions from the brain: applied consumer neuroscience

Hands on: emotion questionnaires

Sara Spinelli
15.50-16.10 Break
16.10-17.30 Emotions in product development: from the product to the packaging (and back)
• Sensory drivers of emotions; Integrating context appropriateness, sensory and emotional profiling: “global” profiling of products
Sara Spinelli

Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali

via Donizetti, 6, 50144, Firenze
C.F. 94097300480


Posta certificata:

Tel: +39 333 4887090
lunedì/mercoledì/venerdì: h 9.00 – 15.00

martedì/giovedì: h 9.00 – 17.30