Following the success of the first and second editions, it is a pleasure to announce the 3rd edition of the MS Food Day, October 9-11, 2013, Trento, Italy, organized by Fondazione Edmund Mach and by the Division of Mass Spectrometry of the Italian Chemical Society.
Today, safe and high-quality food, with good nutritional and sensory characteristics, is becoming increasingly important.
The characterization of food components, authentication and traceability of foodstuffs, food profiling and speciation, quality control, identification and quantification of additives, allergens, chemical and microbiological contaminants, preservation of food components during storage and processing, packaging technology, determination of nutritional and sensory properties, have widespread consequences on agriculture, industry and health.
Mass spectrometry plays a key role in all these aspects. In fact, the impressive technological and methodological improvements of mass spectrometry and its coupling with molecular separation processes yield highly sensitive, specific, fast, robust and validated methods that are fundamental tools in food science and technology.
The 3rd MS-FoodDay conference represents an excellent occasion for presenting the state-of-the-art of mass spectrometry in food chemistry, along with the latest innovations in instrumentation and applications. This will also create the optimum opportunity to meet the needs and offerings of academic institutions, food and instrumentation companies.
Main topics are:
- Innovations in food science applications of MS
- Food safety
- Quality control/Traceability
- Food integrity
- Functional food
- Metabolomics/Foodomic
- Sensory quality: linking sensory and MS data
- Packaging
- Process monitoring
- Methodological and instrumental developments
- Recent trends in mass spectrometry
- Ion sources and mass analysers
- High resolution mass spectrometry
- Ambient Mass Spectrometry
- Direct Injection/Infusion Mass Spectrometry
- High-throughput techniques
- Data Analysis
The conference will include plenary lectures, oral and poster communications, and tutorials.
Participants willing to present a contribution are asked to prepare an abstract, which will be included in the Conference book of abstracts. Abstracts should be submitted on line. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work. Each participant can submit more than one abstract (up to 3). Deadline for abstract submission is July 15. Abstract acceptance will be confirmed by August 15.
Contributions will be presented as posters. Poster will be located in the Palameeting (main exibition room) and visible all through the duration of the meeting. The scientific committee will select some contributions and invite authors to present them as orals in the parallel sessions or thematic workshops.
Participants will receive the electronic version of the Conference book of abstracts at the meeting. The book of abstract will be also available on the website (download) from September 8. The content of the abstract should be clear, concise and have been revised by an experienced English speaker.